20 Following


Currently reading

Fifty Shames of Earl Grey: A Parody
Fanny Merkin;Andrew Shaffer
Progress: 50 %
Such Sweet Sorrow
Jenny Trout
The Dom Project
Heloise Belleau, Solace Ames
Sweetened With a Kiss
Lexxi Callahan
Progress: 4 %
The Escape
Shoshanna Evers
Progress: 5 %
This Man
Jodi Ellen Malpas
Progress: 39 %
Devil's Pact
Samantha Cruise

It was free. I would have paid.

The Theory of Attraction - Delphine Dryden

Funny, tender and hot. I love books with sexual tension and this one had it in spades. I saw myself in the female lead. Love that she got her man (and Dom!). A great read that will keep you warm on a cold night.