20 Following


Currently reading

Fifty Shames of Earl Grey: A Parody
Fanny Merkin;Andrew Shaffer
Progress: 50 %
Such Sweet Sorrow
Jenny Trout
The Dom Project
Heloise Belleau, Solace Ames
Sweetened With a Kiss
Lexxi Callahan
Progress: 4 %
The Escape
Shoshanna Evers
Progress: 5 %
This Man
Jodi Ellen Malpas
Progress: 39 %
Devil's Pact
Samantha Cruise

Hard to put down.

Hard As It Gets  - Laura Kaye

Saw this as a rec on twitter and thought,"Sure, why not?" Boy, am I glad I clicked that link. This book was so well paced from start to finish. Even the slower parts of the book added to the overall tension, romance or plot. The romance between main characters starts out at a slow burn and heats up before the end. While the ending was happy for them the over-arching mystery part of the story continues in the next book due out February 25th. I'm looking forward to the next installment!